A Hot New Automotive Marketing Technology Hits Beta

By JDRucker Dealer Authority, Dealer Tips, General, News, Uncategorized, VDP Marketing 1 Comment on A Hot New Automotive Marketing Technology Hits Beta

This is going to be short because it’s pretty much a no-brainer. We have partnered with Carfeine, an automotive technology company, to help launch a private beta of their new SideKick adaptive retargeting website enhancement.

“Adaptive retargeting website enhancement.” Yes, it’s a mouthful. In essence, it takes the data available throughout the web and puts the cars your visitors are most likely to buy right in front of them. Imagine that one of your potential customers is surfing the web looking at Toyota Tundras. With adaptive retargeting, we’ll take this data and apply it to the SideKick. Once they land on your site, they will be presented with Tundras in your inventory.

It makes perfect sense, not just for you in hopes of generating a lead but also for your customers who will more easily find the vehicles that they want to see.

For this amazing technology, we will be offering 99 beta accounts, completely free for the remainder of 2014. That’s right – you pay absolutely nothing in 2014 and you’re under no obligation to continue into 2015 with a discounted rate. Think of it as 9-month free trial.

We’re doing this for the data and to prove the concept. It’s new and innovative, so the data that we’re able to accumulate about how it helps dealers sell more cars will be invaluable for our launch. Rather than just take the month or two of data in a short trial, we’re allowing those savvy dealers that helped us make it successful to keep the product for an extended period of time and then discounting it in 2015 if they choose to continue.

Again, this is a no-brainer. There are no strings attached. There’s no hidden agenda. In the vast majority of cases where it sounds too good to be true, it normally is. This is one of the exceptions. You get the product for an extended period of time and you have no obligations to send a penny, ever.

This falls in nicely with our focus on inventory marketing. As many of you have seen with all of our partners, the focus is on getting more views to VDPs and SRPs. SideKick fills another batch of holes for dealers.

We are looking for a nice mix of beta clients – different makes, different demographics, different sizes – so if you’re an aggressive dealer and you would like to be an early adopter of a technology that is going to change the car business, please apply for the beta program. We hear all the time that “space is limited”. In this case, it truly is. We anticipate that this will fill up very quickly and we’re only giving away 99 spots, so don’t wait.

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One comment
  • brent Wees
    Posted on March 28, 2014 at 4:10 pm

    JD have a dealer group (7 stores in Toronto) that may be great for this. Will it work in Canada?

    Let me know


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